Many years ago, when one of our congregation members passed away, his wife donated money to our church with the understanding that it would be used to create a Campership Fund. Our church has long believed that the opportunity to go to summer camp can be a special memory or even a life changing experience for a child. The Campership Fund allows us to pay part, or all, of the camp fees for children in our congregation each summer. The children can choose from the many Methodist Camps in Oregon. One of these camps is Camp MacGruder, a small Methodist Camp on the Oregon Coast. Because several of our kids have attended Camp MacGruder, we were dismayed when a major windstorm created havoc at that camp. Some of our families formed a work group and spent a weekend helping to cut fallen trees and run the debris though a chipper so that the camp could open in time for the summer season.

We have found that camp fellowship is as special for adults as it is for the kids. As with the Suttle Lake Methodist Camp, where our families spend time building new facilities and helping to maintain others, Camp MacGruder has a special place in our hearts.

Camp Macgruder website


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